Build Your Own Personal Custom Fleshlight

You don’t have a lot of options when it comes to building your own custom Fleshlight.

But there is an option on the where you can make your own Fleshlight.

You can find the Fleshlight builder at

custom fleshlights

Let’s Look at the Different Ways You Can Customize Your Fleshlight

A Fleshlight has 3 main elements, a case, the orifice, and an inner texture. All the 3 elements can be selected to your personal taste with the Fleshlight custom builder.

Let’s look at the case first.

#1 The case

There used to be a wide range of different case colors (they might come back in stock), but there are only two different colors to choose from.

custom Fleshlight case color

The case color is purely for cosmetic purposes since all the Fleshlight cases are identical. I would choose the black case if you want a more stealthy look that’s easy to hide away.

The blue color is however more unique and not a lot of men have that color.

You can twist the bottom of the case to increase or decrease the suction power of your custom Fleshlight.

#2 The orifice

You can choose between a vagina orifice or a butt orifice, there used to be a mouth option but that was discontinued years ago.

Fleshlight custom orifices

Most men prefer the vagina option, but the butt version has a nice tight entrance that you should choose if you’re more of an anal guy.

I wish they would bring back the mouth option and give us more customization options. Like different orifice colors, they are all pink at the moment.

Why not hit Fleshlight up on Twitter and ask for more options, they might do something about it if more people demand it.

#3 The texture

You can choose between 7 different textures that each has its feel and tightness.

Let’s take a look at the different textures for your custom Fleshlight.


Original Texture

The original Fleshlight sleeve has a very simple design with not much going on. You should get the original texture if your penis is very sensitive and want as little friction as possible.

Super-tight Original

This is just like the Original texture but just a lot tighter. This is great if you love a good tight ass or pussy and want the tightest sexual intercourse feeling.

It’s also a good option if your penis is thin and some of the other textures don’t give you enough sensation.

Tornado Texture

Tornado texture

The Tornado texture is also very tight but a lot is going on texture-wise and the hole twists its way inwards to give you an extra sense of tightness and variation compared to the original texture.

Vortex Texture

Vortex Sleeve

The Vortex texture is similar to the Tornado except for the texture on the inside which is super soft and feels like a real pussy.

Destroya Texture

Destroya Texture

Stoya was one of the first Fleshlight Girls and the Destroya texture is the texture from her vagina Fleshlight sleeve.

This is one of the most sold Fleshlight sleeves and the texture is super exciting to use and most men would love it.

Mini-Lotus Texture

The Mini-Lotus texture is a bumpy ride and it will give you a lot of strong sensations when you use it. It’s a great sleeve if you want to have a strong fast orgasm.

Heavenly Texture

Heavenly Sleeve

You should choose the Heavenly texture if you want a super soft sleeve with a bit of texture but not too much. This is a great in-the-middle feel between super tight and loose.

#4 Accessories

If you want to improve your playtime then take a look at some of the accessories. I personally love the shower mount which makes it so easy to enjoy in the shower hands-free.

And, don’t forget to get a good lube.

Why Would You Want to Make Your Fleshlight?

Making a custom Fleshlight is $10 cheaper compared to the Fleshlight Girls which cost $79.99 each and a custom Fleshlight without accessories costs $69.99.

Saving money is just one this but most men choose to make a custom Fleshlight because they want it to be more personal and this is the only way to do that right now.

Alternatives to a Custom Fleshlight

The Fleshlights that you can customize on are very limited in terms of inner texture and feel. There are several other Fleshlight types if you want to experience different textures and feel adventurous.

Fleshlight Girls

My favorite is by far the Fleshlight girls that you can read all about in my Ultimate Fleshlight Girls guide here.

Fleshlight girls

Some of the older Fleshlight Girl models are the ones you can select when you’re customizing your own personal Fleshlight.

But, all the newer girls have much more exciting textures that will tick your desire for more.

Clear Fleshlights

You can also choose a clear Fleshlight if you want to have a look inside while you enjoy it. I feel that this should have been an option when you build your own Fleshlight.

Clear Fleshlight

I’ve made a complete guide to clear Fleshlights if you want to find the perfect clear pocket pussy for you.

My Final Thoughts About Making Your Own Fleshlight

This is a cheap way to get a Fleshlight just the way you like it and it costs $10 less than the Fleshlight Girls.

If you’re a person that loves a bit more personality and doesn’t want a mass-produced pocket pussy then this is a great option for you.

I would recommend that you try the customizer and I’m pretty sure that you’ll find an option just for you.

You can always read more about Fleshlight if you want to know about more options and Fleshlight reviews here.

Feel free to ask me questions in the comments below or send me an email if it’s personal.

1 Response

  1. Are there any methods of making two sets of custom “flesh jacks” without having to mass produce them? I only want three to five of each set and have browsed the corners of the internet with minor answers. Any comments or feedback would help! Thank you

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