Fantasy Fleshlights Tested and Reviewed

I was beyond excited when Fleshlight announced their first Hentai-style masturbator. I’ve been a huge fan of Japanese Hentai-style masturbators (Onaholes) for years but I’ve always missed all the accessories that Fleshlight offers.

The wait is finally over with the release of Fantasy Fleshlights, which has the same vibe and style as many of my beloved Onaholes.

You don’t have a huge selection, but Fleshlight has committed to releasing at least 5 different versions.

I’ll test and review them as they get released and rank them according to their performance.

Shokushu Sleeve

$ 79
  • Soft stimulation
  • Black case
  • Unnatural labia

Ecchi Sleeve

$ 79
  • Very tight
  • Purple case
  • Human-like labia

Who's next?

$ 79
  • ?
  • ?
  • ?

Below is a list of each Fantasy Fleshlight, with pros and cons and how they feel, so you can choose one that matches your preferences.

best fantasy fleshlights

Table of Contents

Best Fantasy Fleshlights

#1 Lilith Fukumoto Shokushu Sleeve

The Lilith Fukumoto Fleshlight is the second release in the Fantasy series, and it’s a nice step up from the first one, Sasha Nakamoto.

I love that Fleshlight has put some thought into the Shokushu sleeves orifice design. It’s easy to see the style matches Lilith Fukumoto’s style perfectly.

You can expect a looser but very interesting stimulation level which allows me to enjoy it for much longer than other tighter options.

fleshlight fantasy lilith fukumoto shokushu

What I like about it:

  • Her labia is styled like her
  • Soft entrance
  • Loose tunnel but with a lot of interesting textures
  • Works with FapCap and most accessories

What I don’t like about it:

  • Her labia does get sticky without renewing powder

Lilith Fukumoto Conclusion

Hands down the best option right now if you’re into a softer feeling masturbation experience.  Look further down the list if you’re after a tighter option.

I love the design and I hope Fleshlight will continue this trend and create more custom-looking Fantasy sleeves and not just “human-like” ones.

#2 Sasha Nakamoto Ecchi Sleeve

The Ecchi sleeve based on Sasha Nakamoto was the first Fleshlight sleeve in their new Fantasy series. Ecchi is a genre of Anime that contains sexual innuendos but never anything hardcore. It would be a shame not to do anything sexual to this sleeve 😉

Internally your penis is met with a tight suction-cup-style texture that goes on for the entirety of the sleeve.

The entrance is tight and has an exposed clitoris which looks a bit too human-like for my taste.

What I like about it:

  • Very tight feeling, with strong stimulation
  • The texture grips on to your penis, dragging it right back in
  • Works with FapCap and most accessories

What I don’t like about it:

  • The vagina looks too human-like

Sasha Nakamoto Conclusion

Overall, a really nice tentacle-like texture that reminds me of the Mia Malkova Butt Fleshlight which is one of my favorite anal Fleshlights.

I just wish that they would have been a bit more creative with their orifice design and not make it so human-like.

And what about some more color options instead of the pinkish skin tone?

I’ve been a little hard on the Ecchi sleeve but it’s pretty damn good to be fair.

Where Can I Buy Fantasy Fleshlights?

I always buy my Fleshlights directly from, but they have a huge reseller program. I’ve seen the Sasha Nakamoto Fleshlight on Lovehoney and AdamEve. Both sites have limited supplies, and only had one in stock last time.

I would strongly advise against buying from any type of marketplace, this includes Amazon, eBay, and similar sites.

I’ve never had problems with Fleshlights on those sites but they do accept returns and are known to sell returns. I’ve heard of guys who have received used sex toys from Amazon before!

I think you might be able to save a few bucks, but it’s not worth the risk.

Use Plenty of Lube

Yep, the same advice I always give. Fleshlight sells its own brand of water-based lube, Fleshlube, which is decent but costs a bit more than other similar brands. You can use whatever lube you have as long as it’s water-based.

How Do HAnimates and FapCap Work With Fantasy Masturbators?

Your Fantasy masturbators work together with FapCap, and HAnimates to create an immersive interactive sexual experience.

fapcap for the Fantasy Fleshlights

This is how you use it:

  1. Attach the FapCap to the base of your Fleshlight where the suction cap is (remove the cap first).
  2. Select the “mode” you want to play in.
  3. The sensors in the FapCap will change the stimulation level based on your pace and movements.
  4. HAnimates are animated Hentai characters that sync with your FapCap’s tracking. The characters respond to your movement which I personally find super engaging.

There isn’t a lot of content out yet, but Fleshlight has committed to releasing at least one video per month for the next half year.

Right now the content is free (at the time of writing Dec. 2024) and you can watch it without a FapCap, but it doesn’t do its justice without it.

Do I recommend you buy the FapCap with your new Fantasy sleeve?

Not right now, it’s still early days and it could be a flop, but it’s an interesting technology that I’m sure will take off.

You should get it if you have the money and want to try something a little different compared to a regular Fleshlight sleeve.

Quick note: It’s currently only available through the site and not the site.

My Final Thoughts About Fantasy Fleshlights

I’m super stoked about the new Fantasy Fleshlights, they are a nice addition to my Hentai Onahole selection.

If you’ve been on the fence about getting Hentai sex toys from overseas, you now have a chance to get into the Hentai masturbator game.

I’m still skeptical about the FapCap, it has a lot of potential, but I’ll give it some time before I can recommend it with confidence.

But the Fantasy sleeves are amazing and I can only recommend them!

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